1. nagrada na natječaju za uređenje kulturno-povijesne cjeline Solina i Travarice u Trogiru ..1st Prize in a competition for the redevelopment of Soline and Travarica area in Trogir
MVA i Studio SOL osvojili su 1. nagradu na projektnom natječaju za izradu idejnog urbanističko-arhitektonskog rješenja uređenja kulturno-povijesne cjeline Solina i Travarice u Trogiru.
KONTINUITET ZELENILA / POVEZIVANJE ZELENILOM Jasna urbanistička strategija – prostor obuhvata povezuje se intenzivnim ozelenjavanjem u kontinuirani zaštitni pojas - novo zeleno pročelje Trogira u izravnom dijalogu s povijesnim parkom Garagnin – Fanfogna
KONTINUITET PROMJENA Prirodne i antropogene povijesne promjene - Rimska centurijacija, solane i borova šuma kao konceptualno polazište za novo urbanističko rješenje
KONTINUITET POPREČNIH VIZURA Očuvani povijesni pravci kretanja potenciraju se kao poprečne vizualne veze prema gradu i integriraju u novi arhitektonski koncept
OČUVANJE MJERILA Arhitektonski koncept raščlanjenog hotela u dijalogu s rasterom postojećeg gradskog tkiva i mjerilom neposrednog susjedstva
MOTIV REFLEKSIJE Na mirnoj površini Trogirske Foše savršeno se zrcali silueta grada. Ovaj efekt zrcaljenja se ponavlja u rješenju kroz materijale (inox kioska), te kroz korištenje vodenog zrcala koje se privremeno stvara vodenim difuzorima na malom trgu ispred hotela
NOVI ORIJENTIRI Jednostavnim iskapanjem postojećeg terena razotkriva se i potencira autohtono stanište morske močvare u sjeverozapadnom uglu parka
OBLIKOVANJE DOŽIVLJAJA - izmjene u gustoći sjena, vrstama vegetacija i topografije oblikuju različite sekvence doživljaja prostora kroz kretanje
PARK-MARKET Nova gradska tržnica kao hibrid natkrivenog gradskog prostora trga i parka. Koncipirana kao mega-pergola, jednostavnim čeličnim rasterom istovremeno omogućuje natkrivanje i doživljaj bivanja ispod krošnji stabala
RESTAURACIJA ŠUME Ne kao sadnja jedinki, već kao sadnja šumskih zajednica koje popunjavaju prostor ispod postojećih borovih stabala te stvaraju nastavak šume prema istoku.
ZELENA INFRASTRUKTURA Nova zgrada garaže kao infrastruktura velikog mjerila integrirana u zeleni koncept jedinstvenom opnom od biljaka penjačica i sadnjom visokih stabala unutar rubnih zona
MVA and Studio SOL won the 1st prize in the competition for the redevelopment of Soline and Travarica area in Trogir.
CONTINUITY OF GREEN/ CONNECTION WITH GREEN A clear urban strategy - the surrounding area is connected by intensive greenery into a continuous protective belt - the new green facade of Trogir in direct dialogue with the historical park Garagnin - Fanfogna
CONTINUITY OF CHANGES Natural and anthropogenic historical changes - Roman centuriation, salt pans and pine forest as a conceptual starting point for a new urban concept
CONTINUITY OF TRANSVERSE VIEWS Preserved historical directions of movement are intensified as transverse visual connections to the city and integrated into the new architectural concept.
PRESERVATION OF SCALE The architectural concept of a disintegrated hotel in dialogue with the grid of the existing urban fabric and the scale of the nearby neighbourhood
THE MOTIF OF REFLECTION The silhouette of the city is perfectly reflected on the calm surface of Foša. This mirroring effect is repeated in the project through the materials (stainless steel kiosk), and through the use of a water mirror that is temporarily created by water diffusers in the small square in front of the hotel
NEW LANDMARKS By simply excavating the existing terrain, the autochthonous habitat of the sea marsh in the northwestern corner of the park is exposed and enhanced.
SHAPING THE EXPERIENCE - changes in the density of shadows, types of vegetation and topography shape different sequences of experiencing space through movement
PARK-MARKET The new city market as a hybrid of a covered city space, a square and a park. Conceived as a mega-pergola, with a simple steel grid, it simultaneously provides cover and the experience of being under the treetops.
FOREST RESTORATION Not as planting individuals, but as planting forest communities that fill the space under the existing pine trees and create a continuation of the forest to the east.
GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE The new garage building as a large-scale infrastructure integrated into the green concept with a unique membrane of climbing plants and the planting of tall trees within the edge zones