MVA projekti izloženi na 7. Međunarodnom festivalu arhitektonskih maketa u Budimpešti ..MVA projects exhibited at the 7th International Architectural Model Festival in Budapest

photographer: Vica Wachsler


Sedmi međunarodni festival arhitektonskih maketa u Budimpešti, otvoren od 27. rujna, izlaže više od 260 maketa kreatora iz deset zemalja. U duhu mota "learning by doing", izložba govori o tome što možemo naučiti izradom maketa.

Na izložbi su izložena 3 MVA projekta - Školska knjižnica u Krapini, Uređenje Batarije u Trogiru i Vidikovac u Krapini.

Prvi Festival arhitektonskih maketa organizirao je Mađarski centar za suvremenu arhitekturu (KÉK) 2008. Od tada se ova međunarodno jedinstvena inicijativa održavala na mnogim mjestima; ovogodišnje sedmo izdanje suorganiziraju KÉK i Mađarski muzej arhitekture i Dokumentacijski centar za zaštitu spomenika (MÉM MDK) u izložbenom prostoru Muzeja, Workshop Spaceu u vili Waltera Rózsija.

"Arhitektonska maketa je alat za komunikaciju i učenje, kanal za prijenos ideja. Bilo da se radi o dijalogu između arhitekta i naručitelja, izražavanju namjera učenika prema instruktoru, želji djeteta da gradi ili amaterskom maketaru, strast za arhitektonskom ljepotom, stvaranje i recepcija modela nikada nije jednosmjerna", stoji u uvodu izložbe.

Festival modela otvoren je za javnost besplatno do 27. listopada, od srijede do nedjelje, od 10 do 18 sati u MÉM MDK Workshop Space (Budimpešta VII. Budimpešta, Bajza utca 10.)


The 7th International Architectural Model Festival in Budapest, opened from From 27 September, is showcasing more than 260 models by creators from ten countries. In the spirit of the motto "learning by doing", the exhibition is all about what we can learn from making models.

3 projects by MVA / Mikelić Vreš Arhitekti are included in the exhibition - The School Library in Krapina, Redevelopment of Batarija area in Trogir and The Viewpoint in Krapina.

The first Architectural Model Festival was organised by the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK) in 2008. Since then, the internationally unique initiative has been held in many venues; this year's seventh edition is co-organised by KÉK and the Hungarian Architecture Museum and Monument Protection Documentation Center (MÉM MDK) in the Museum's exhibition space, the Workshop Space at the Walter Rózsi Villa. 

"The architectural model is a tool for communication and learning, a channel for the transmission of ideas. Whether it is a dialogue between architect and client, the expression of a student's intentions to an instructor, a child's desire to build or an amateur model maker's passion for architectural beauty, the creation and reception of a model is never one-way," reads the introduction to the exhibition. 

The Model Festival is open to the public free of charge until 27 October, Wednesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 6pm at the MÉM MDK Workshop Space (Budapest VII. Budapest, Bajza utca 10.)


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